Monday 4 February 2019

150+ Latest Status for Gf-bf Lover 2019 by LuvShyari


  •     Place your time and energy on someone who will add sunshine to your life. Life is too short to waste on the wrong one.
  •     Thank you for coming into my life. For letting me feel this love that I have for you. Because not everybody is as lucky as I am… To be loved by you! 🙂
  •     You are one of those beautiful things that happened to my life and made my life worthwhile 🙂 🙂
  •     I will love you forever. No matter what happens I’ll be there. Distance couldn’t take us apart – it will make us closer. B’Coz true love waits & never surrenders… 🙂
  •     You looking most amazing,wonderful,fantastic,smart,charming, dazzing…
  •     Every friendship dosen’t change into love but every love begins with friendship.
  •     I always pray to God to tie us in a sacred knot so that we spend each and every moment together.
  •     True love is when she talks non- stop and you are still interested in listening to her.
  •     Don’t love too much, don’t care too much, don’t trust too much; because that too much can hurt you too much..
  •     I don’t know if I like you or love you, want you or need you, all I know is I love the feeling I get when I’m near you.
  •     If you expect something in return, It’s called business, not love.
  •     I dønt hate peøple, I just løve peøple whø løve me
  •     Insomnia can be a blessing if you have someone to talk with, the whole night..
  •     You may be someone to the world but you are the world for someone. ♥ 🙂
  •     I don’t need a burning sun and a cooling moon to show me my way. Just want you to hold me whenever I tumble.
  •     Everyone thinks that love hurts.. But love never hurts.. Rejection hurts.. Loneliness hurts.. Love is the only feeling which covers all the pain…
  •     Love does not consists of gazing at each other, but in looking together in the same direction.
  •     Bees love honey…people love money…but I LOVE YOU
  •     Psychology says, you relaize you love someone when you want them to be happy, even if its not with you
  •     When you are in love,you can’t fall asleep b’coz the reality is far better than your dreams.
  •     When someone else happiness is your happiness, it’s called true love.
  •     We fall in love by chance but we stay in love by choice.
  •     The person who loves you truly is the most precious thing in your life..
  •     My favourite place in this world is, “Next to You”
  •     There may be a million things to smile about, but you are definitely my favorite one…..!!
  •     Let love be your motivation – the driving force behind everything.
  •     I didn’t choose you, My heart did.
  •     If your heart was a prison, I would like to be sentenced for life.
  •     Love is the only game never postponed due to darkness.
  •     We fight like a married couple, talk like best friends, and flirt like first loves..
  •     I’m scared to look at u.. B’coz the more I do.. The more I fall in love with u…!!!
  •     Life can give us lot of beautiful persons, But only one person is enough for a beautiful life…♥
  •     Last night I hugged my pillow and dreamt of you. I wish that someday I’d dream about my pillow and I’d be hugging you.
  •     I love you like a fat kid loves cake.
  •     When a couple is arguing over who loves who more, the one that gives up is the real winner.
  •     That One Person In Your Life Who Never Shows That They Love You ! But You Know How Much They Care For You!
  •     I may not be versatile in showing off my love… But it hurts deep inside when you speak like you don’t understand a Damn!!!!
  •     I have tested all sweet dishes but they are not sweet as my lover is… 🙂
  •     Real boyfriend sees no other females, Because his eyes are only dedicated for his girl….
  •     Love is like a rubber band held at both ends by two people, when one leaves it, other gets hurt.
  •     If a hug tell how much I love you, I would hold you in my arms forever.
  •     I’m naturally funny because my life is a joke.
  •     99% of the time,we forgive people because we still want them in our lives.
  •     Love is the mixture of trust love and care… Without dis is just like a phn wid a dead battery..
  •     When a girl ask me are you single i feel like moka moka
  •     My search to tavern ended , I found myself inebriated by your intoxicating eyes
  •     You are so lucky if you are sad and someone is making an effort to make you smile.. 🙂
  •     All love stories are beautiful but ours is my favourite
  •     Love her like you’re the worst. Make love to her like you’re the best.
  •     If someone gives you a second chance, try not to ruin it by being same person again.
  •     Love+trust+honesty=long relationship 🙂
  •     Sometimes we waste too much time to think about someone who doesn’t think about us for a second ☺
  •     Sometimes when I look at you, I can’t speak much cuz my mind thinks more than my heart…
  •     I have decided to stick with love because hate is too great a burden to bear.
  •     Live every moment , laugh every day, love beyond words…
  •     Love is the seventh sense which destroys all other 6 senses.
  •     If I was a tree, I would have no reason to love a human. ❤❤❤
  •     Love is the perfect feeling that makes two imperfect people perfect for each other..
  •     Love + Trust + Honesty = Life Long Relationship 🙂
  •     Love is a language spoken by everyone but understoond only by heart……..❤❤
  •     If you love 2 people at the same time, choose the second because if you really love the first you wouldn’t fall into the other one
  •     Honestly, I’m excited for the future. I know I’m going to be great and do great things.
  •     #Cuddling with you until we fall asleep is the best feeling ever.
  •     Don’t fall in love, rise in love everyday.
  •     I love the way u make me smile ☺ even when nothing is funny ❤
  •     Its sweet to be in someone’s thoughts but its safe to in someone’s heart..
  •     I like when you smile but I love when I m the reason
  •     Are you a camera? Because every time I look at you, I smile.
  •     I luv food and sleep .. If I give u my food or text u at late night then ur special to me
  •     The person who has truly loved you is the only one who has the strength to accept your mistakes and forgive you.
  •     People who hide their feelings usually cares the most.
  •     Baby…you r my “KFC”…and…M your…”Mcd”..bcoz you..r “soooo gooood” and “I m loving…it”….
  •     Relationships never die a natural death….They are murdered by Ego, Attitude and Ignorance
  •     The best feeling is when you look at her and she is already staring.
  •     I promise you to live in ur heart and always call it home…
  •     Any guy can love a thousand girls…but only a rare guy can love one girl in a thousand way.
  •     Follow love and it will flee… flee love and it will follow. Happy Valentines Day
  •     Without His love I can do nothing… with His love there is nothing I cannot do. Happy Valentines Day
  •     There is only one happiness in life…. to love and to be loved. Happy Valentines Day
  •     If you truly love someone then every day is Valentine’s Day.
  •     A hundred hearts would be too few To carry all my love for you. Happy Valentines Day
  •     A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous. Happy Valentines Day
  •     Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies. Happy Valentines Day
  •     If love is great, and there are no greater things, then what I feel for you must be the greatest. Happy Valentines Day
  •     Within you, I lose myself. Without you, I find myself wanting to be lost again. Happy Valentines Day
  •     For you see, each day I love you more Today more than yesterday and less than tomorrow. Happy Valentines Day
  •     Even though i’m away, in my heart I’m right by your side and here’s a hug from me to say, I love you a lot. Sweetheart.!
  •     I Don’t need promise of the moon or the stars. Only promise i need is you’ll stay under them with me forever…
  •     She laugh at my dreams but I dream of her laughter.
  •     I Need Vitamin “U” <3
  •     Sometimes you ask me what I want, What I really want is for you to want me the way I want you
  •     The greatest gift you can give someone is your time…
  •     Last seen in somebody’s heart.
  •     Once a cheater always cheater, once a lover always lover
  •     Where Their is Love Their is Life!!
  •     Love is life, but honesty bhi jaruri hai
  •     You are to me what chlorophyll is to a leaf
  •     Love me or hate me but at the end of the day you gonna miss me
  •     U and ME make a wonderful WE
  •     If a hug represents how much I love you i’ll hold you in my arms forever
  •     Love is FAITH and faith is FOREVER
  •     Love is like a Star, that shines from the Heart. . .
  •     The space between ur fingers is meant to be filled with mine… 😉
  •     Don’t fall for anyone , make that person fall for u…
  •     Love the guy who love to spoil your LIPSTICK not your EYELINER.
  •     When you talk to a woman… Listen to what she says with her eyes…
  •     My problem is heart and solution is you
  •     Time Can Be Change Everything, But Not My Love For You.
  •     I Found the Way to Love everyone But I didn’t learn the way to Feel Others LOVE to me.
  •     Love can only be expressed by love it self
  •     I am single because god is busy writing to best love story for me.
  •     Love is when you have the chance to leave but choose to stay.
  •     Everybody wants a happy ending but except me i want a never ending happiness with u
  •     I know u r a dream……but people say that dreams come true
  •     Better be alone which will hurt less than in love…
  •     You can hurt a heart only till it loves you….
  •     I kept my heart Strong like Iron but, I didn’t know that your heart is a Magnet .
  •     With you the hours become minutes.
  •     Love is the only thing which makes you cry even more u laugh
  •     I shall love you till i take my last breathe on EARTH
  •     If I know what love is, it is because of you!!
  •     I love the way you love me.:) 🙂
  •     I love it when you act silly around me.:)
  •     Love every one, so that every one loves u.. But be committed to only One.. So that everyone respects u…♥♥
  •     Sometimes I can’t see myself when I’m with you. I can only just see you.
  •     No matter how strong a girl is, she has a weak point,and sometimes, all she needs is a hug.
  •     Absence sharpens love, presence strengthens it.
  •     Someone who truly loves you, won’t make you feel like you need to constantly fight for their attention.
  •     We loved with a love that was more than love.
  •     Let make it short and simple, I love you.
  •     It’s not my fault that I fell for you, you tripped me.
  •     My eight word love story: I fell in love with an Army man.
  •     Installing love. ……44%. Installation failed. Error 404: install money first.
  •     I have found that if you love life, life will love you back.
  •     We love because it’s the only true adventure.
  •     Wish You Were Here
  •     You can rest in my life forever
  •     A sweetheart is a bottle of wine, a wife is a wine bottle.
  •     I am someone else when I’m with you, someone more like myself.
  •     Dance like no one is watching; and love like it will never hurt.
  •     Don’t disturb me, I am disturbed enough already.
  •     Love don’t need perfectness it’s need to be true
  •     Distance is just a test , how far love can travel!!
  •     Friendship often ends in love; but love in friendship – never.
  •     Be smart be safe stay away of love
  •     Love what you do. Do what you love.
  •     Flip the coin, head i am yours tail you are mine 😉
  •     A single text from u can change my mood at any time.. 🙂
  •     Don’t cry for the person who doesn’t know the value of your tears…
  •     Be a lover, not a fighter. But always fight for what you love.
  •     A smiling face doesn’t always mean a smiling heart.
  •     I still care, that ‘s the problem
  •     Love in your heart brings life to your soul.
  •     If you love me be sure I love you as much as you do.. 🙂

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