Funny English status

i really wish the dollar store would start selling gas.
If I was president, all Monday's would be changed to National Holiday..
The great thing to remember is that though our feelings come and go Gods love for us does not.
Appreciate those who love you. Help those who need you. Forgive those who hurt you. Forget those who leave you.
Smiling for someone is sweet but making someone smile is the best feeling.
Stop advertising your relationship on Facebook. Not everyone wants to see you happy.
SMILE ..... It irritates those who wish to destroy you.
Treat your parents with loving care. You will only know their value when you see their empty chair.
If you treat me like an option, I'll leave you like a choice.
If you don't thank GOD for every smile, then you have no right to complain about every tear.
Facebook is the only book that we read everyday.
Always remember to smile. You may not know it, but someone might be dying to see that smile everyday.
We always ignore the ones who adore us, and adore those who ignore us.
All my life I thought air is free until I bought a bag of chips
I'm thinking of you and wanted to tell you that I love you.
The lucky lover of this world! Person loves a girl without purposing her but finally he get same girl as his wife in arranged marriage.
A closed mouth is an open ear, the less you talk the more you hear.
I tried to kill a spider with hair spray. It`s still alive, but its hair looks amazing!
I want to make a Facebook account and the name will be nobody so when I see brainless people post, I can like it. And it will say nobody likes this.
Some people are like fast food...they never look as good in real life as they do on TV.
I text you because I want to have a chat with you, not to be pissed off & get my day ruined.
Never trust a man in a wheelchair with dirty shoes.
Lies That Always Worked - If you finish your food, I will buy you Ice cream.
Facebook keeps changing, updating..yet they can't add a simple "dislike" button.
I'm not addicted to Facebook. I only time I update my status is when I have time: lunch time, break time, off time, this time, that time, any time, all the time.
When i die don't write "R.I.P" on my grave write "B.R.B"
I swear my pillow could be a hairstylist I always wake up with the weirdest hairdos.
About 50 percent of parents friend their children on Facebook, other 50% find less technological ways to embarrass their kids.
Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.
You have 10 fish, 5 drown, 3 come back to life. How many fish do you have? Stop counting smart one. Fish can't drown
Don't wait for the perfect moment...Take the moment and make it perfect...
Love is not blind
Infatuation is Blind;
love roots out all truth.
I almost exclusively update my twitter while pooping.
My friends are my estate.
True friendship is like sound health; the value of it is seldom known until you lost it.
Friendship is like a violin the music may stop now and then, but the strings will last forever.
Best Friends listen to what you don't say.
Why is a newspaper ten times more interesting when somebody across the table is reading it?
You can never be a leader unless you learn to lose.
Just wanted to let u know that you


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