Monday 31 December 2018

Happy New Year! Ready for 2019! by Rana Apps India


I do love the start of a new year! It's a wide open field of days and weeks to accomplish new things! 

I've been thinking a lot about my quilting and how I want to go about accomplishing my goals. So this year I'm switching things up a bit. I'm not going to have a daily schedule. It's worked well, but sometimes I'm forced leave a project in the middle of a critical stage and have to wait a week to come back to it. 

So this year I plan to focus on one or two projects at a time - can you believe that???? 

2018 goals

1. Continue to read; I’m not naming a goal number, but I want to always have a book going.

2. Quilts:
    Finish Christmas quilt (Christmas Animals)
    Finish Bring Me Flowers
    Work on Sue Spargo Birds (maybe finish it???)
    Finish On Ringo Lake quilts 
    Glitter - Jen Kingwell quilt - begin this one
    My Small World - another Jen Kingwell - I've made two blocks so far...
    Also: whatever other projects come along that intrigue me!

3. Swim! 

At this point I'm guessing you think I'll put On Ringo Lake on my list to finish first. NOPE! I'm planning to finish all the parts and pieces and then put it aside (WHAT???) to take on a quilt retreat later in the Spring. These two quilts will be perfect to take on a retreat. 

I made a great start on my Christmas Animals quilt, so I would like to finish this top soon. You will notice that I have two handwork projects on the list: Sue Spargo Birds and Bring Me Flowers. I plan for these projects to be ongoing throughout the year. Glitter, hmmm....this is intended to be hand pieced, but I may decide to do a bit of each block by machine. We'll have to see once I read through the pattern. 

So there you have it. I'll begin the year by completing all the subunits of my two On Ringo Lake quilts. And then I'll work toward finishing the Christmas Animals quilt. And then.... well, we'll see. I do hope to pull out some hexies here and there. 

I'd love to design another hexie BOM, so maybe I'll be inspired to do this during the year, also.

Happy New Year, Y'all!!!!


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