Wednesday 31 October 2018

The 10+ Most Common Relationship Problems And How To Fix(Solve) Each One Of Them


1. You spend more time apart than together.

2. You spend ALL THE TIME together, leaving no space for your own individual growth.

3. You constantly fight about the same issues.

4. You don’t like their parents (or viceversa).

5. You feel insecure about your future together.

6. You have a hard time relating to your partner’s issues.

7. You or they feel misunderstood.

8. You feel they don’t give you enough attention.

9. You argue over money.

FIX: Try to detect the underlying issue: is your partner earning much more or less than you do? If so, is that problematic for you? If yes, in which ways? Write down your answers and think for a moment what was different about your spending behaviours vs. earnings back when you were single and what has changed now that you’re in a relationship. On the other hand, if one or both of you are overspending, too indulgent or afraid there won’t be a secure future for you, the best way to go about this is to take it down to a financial analyst who can assess your goods and determine what should stay and what should definitely go. If it’s not working out or your views regarding financial well being are far too different, you may want to look at other areas of your life – like self confidence, achievements, failures, and how your relationship with money has shifted over the years. You may discover old beliefs that were ingrained deeply in your brain as a child or teenager – such as a man must always earn more than a woman or he has to pay for everything.  Think about it.

10. You don’t tolerate their vices.

11. You feel you’re giving away too much (and getting back too little).

12. The sex is missing in action.

13. You don’t feel comfortable about their sexual preferences.

14. You don’t like their friends (or they don’t dig you).

15. You feel suffocated about living together.

FIX: You may not have been used to sharing everything with a partner before. This is especially difficult if you’re an only child, who never had to split things with a sibling. You may literally hate the way they leave their clothes on the floor (and never pick them up) before hitting the shower. You may find gross how they forget to wash the dishes for days. On the other hand, you might feel uneasy with the way they speak on the phone too loud, want to make small talk when you have nothing to say, or take up space in your already small studio. Essentially, you may feel like seeing this person day and night is too much, and there’s nothing wrong with that, some of us simply need more space in our lives and in our beds. Moving in together is a serious decision and you should abstain from doing it just to make rent payments easier on you. Consider the pros and cons of living together in opposition to living alone. Listen to what your partner has to say and try not to compete with them on claiming what’s yours and what’s theirs to change. If you can’t afford living alone, define clear rules for your personal space and theirs, and perhaps work a bit on the way the apartment’s laid out. With a bit of creativity and some simple interior design tips, you can declutter your living space and be able to even create your own comfortable nest, where no one will bother you.

1 comment:

  1. I just want to give a quick advise to any one out there that is having difficulty in his or her relationship to contact Dr.Agbazara because he is the only one that is capable to bring back broken relationship or broken marriages within time limit of 48 hours. You can contact Dr.Agbazara by calling him on his mobile/ WhatsApp +2348104102662 or write him through his email at ( )
